Mister Bermuda makes it easy!

We blend 30 treatments  into 10 Visits.

Prices start at $65/month for 4000 sqft 

 Experience • All Inclusive • No Up-Selling!

Why Choose Mister Bermuda?

More Experience than anyone

Dalton has been working Turf, Shrubs, and Trees this area for over 5 years and is still young enough to be in the field every day.

John has been working Turf and Shrubs for 35 years and is rarely without an answer.

A Proactive Approach

We do not wait for problems like Armyworm, and Grubs to surface, we stop them from happening.

Preventitive treatments are always included and applied. It is a much better result than chasing problems.

No Up-Selling Allowed

In 2025 we are bombarded with ads trying to get us to buy more stuff.  The sales techniques designed to relentlessly pursue our money.

This is not our approach, in fact we have a zero tolerance policy on Up-selling our clients unless it is absolutely needed.