What’s Included in the

Premuim Turf and Shrub Service?

Price is Based on 4000 sqft of Turf/Bed  Click Here  if you are not sure and we will get you an exact price.

Why People Choose Mister Bermuda

Golf Course Partnerships

There is no other industry that needs their turf to look great on a slim budget. Golf Courses have that figured out.

We have partnered with several courses around the country to share our research and  have access to theirs.

The Proactive  Approach

We do not wait for problems like Armyworm, and Grubs to surface, we prevent them. Preventitive treatments are always included.

Our Experience

This is our real strength. John and Dalton have a combined 40+ years in the industry. No one in the area has the broad based knowledge about Plant Health Care that we posess. It’s rare we dont have an answer…

Our Business Philosophy

There are 3 things a service business can focus on… Quality of Work, Competitive Price, and Time GIven to a project. To stay in business everyone must pick 2 of these 3 things. No one can provide all three and stay operational. Our first choice is Quality. If we can’t do it right, we don’t want to do it at all. Price is next. The market we service demands price, so our prices must be competitive. Quality and Price leaves “Time Given” out. That’s OK, there are many things available now that were not in 1988 (when I started). Like email, satelite measuring of lawns, or quick referencing of Turf questions. We automate everywhere we can for you. So that we can keep our Quality up, and our prices down..