100% Lush & Green Guarantee
Now Included on
The Premium Turf and Shrub
Care Plan… Every Year!
That’s 3 Liquid Aerations
No Extra Charge!
Premium Turf and Shrub
Based on 4000 sqft of Turf/Bed
30 Treatments Blended and Applied in 10 Visits
10 Visits per Year Include the Following
4 Shrub Feedings
4 Insect/Disease Treatments
8 Turf Fertilizations,
3 Pre-emergent Weed Controls,
8-10 Post Emergent Weed Controls
2 Preventitive Insect Treatments (Grub and ArmyWorm)
4 Latteral Growth Treatments
(for thicker, greener turf)
3 Liquid Aeration Treatments
Combined and delivered in 10 Visits

See The Results

Common Questions and Answers
Do you guys really treat only Bermuda and Zoysia grasses?
Yes. They are the future of lawns in the Suth due to their low water requirements, they are also very well behaved when it comes to growth.
Would you guys be willing to make an exception and treat my St. Augustine lawn?
Nope. See Above
How does your pricing compare to others in my area?
There are 3 things a service company can focus on defining their business. Quality of work, Price of work, and Time given to client. Every company must pick 2. No one can deliver alll 3 and stay in business. We pick Quality of work, and the market here demands Price. Which is why we try to automate so much, we have to always look for ways to save time.
Are you eco-friendly?
I do not advertise Eco-Freindly, but if I laid my secret blends on the table you would find thaat my mixes are along the lines of Golf Course blends. Golf Courses are incredibly efficient, and very much aware of their environment. They are in the long game and so are we.
How often do you treat my property?
Roughly every 5 weeks, though it can be closer in the summer and further in the winter. We include about 24 treatments mixed into 10 visits on the Turf and 8 treatments on the Shrubs delivered with those same 10 visits. All in, we are giving you 32 different treatments in 10 visits between the Turf and the Shrubs.
How long until my lawn looks amazing?
That depends on a lot of variables that include what kind of shape it’s in mow, and how well you water and how consistently you cut the grass. It all matters.